I laugh when I feel my thoughts are happy and when my spirit screams of Joy, I scream too.
I want to thank my Higher Power(God)for giving me Faith and Grace. I can't make it in this world of darkness without my Faith.
My therapist once asked me "Do U have Hope today?" what was it that I replied? I just don't remember! She knows... and if for any reason she reads this today... she smiles because her memory reminds her of what it was that I said to that question.
But today I stand strong saying Yes... Hope Floats! oh it has because I have seen it and it does because I have felt it.
My life is Hope and it Floats. I'm so blessed for the grace upon me that I have a need... a must... to pass it forward. I breath the need to want to share it loud and clear now.
I have learned finally after all the readings and writings I have done these past six years; I have learned to shower myself with God's blessed water. I'm putting grace, patients, and love in the water that I have cleaned and I add comfort and trust. Then I take it and I pour the water on my soul.
I then wait for the growth in me to take it's place and as it takes place, I become more and more beautiful each day.
I am soo special and soo blessed. I am a soul of joy and laughter, of understanding and commitment, of beauty and elegance. I am Me... a survivor of many obstacles.
All of this U read, I have giving to the universe and all of this U read, the universe has politely given back to me. And for this... I am thankful and grateful.
Inner Voice is the description of all the things I have within. During the time of having this Open Public Blog I will share with U all my thoughts, visions and feelings. It Might be tough to read, at times maybe a tear dropper but it will be worth sharing with u all. My goal is to keep my blogs positive and open to u all. Out of something dark, a beam of light is right behind it. So I'm gonna constantly look for the light in all. Thank u for ur pleasant visit.
Thank U for stopping by and welcome into my inner voice. I hope I inspire u to Pay It Forward. HOPE FLOATS!