I want to bring u all to the attention of Juice Rox Jewelry line. But Before we go into what Juice Rox is about, allow me to introduce my dear friend Stefanny AKA Juice.
I met Juice about six years ago. She was standing on the side of the stage getting ready to practice a couple of songs with us. We both attended the same church and were in the same choir. Even though she seemed lost and very much shy, she stood out like a spark of light against the ocean waves.
Lost I thought she was but quickly showed me she wasn't. Her smile was a well welcomed sight and her laughter...well, U just have to experience it. LOL! Her hugs are always pure and genuine and her support to listen and to advice are always clear and comforting.
Our friendship grew from just a few mins. of us sharing choir practice. And through the years we always managed to stay in contact. I see her as a little sister. A person who can teach me as much as I can teach her. When at the most anguish times in my life, Juice always managed to appear. She brings the sun to my clouds and changes my moment of sadness into happiness.
Stefanny started making jewelry at the age of 12. She developed a passion that only increase as time proceeded. As time past, this passion grew into something she wanted to share with others.
With this hope to make beautiful pieces she started her own Jewelry line called "Juice Rox." Her line is completely unique because she doesn't remake her pieces and makes one of each.
In her own words "I feel that as individuals its very important for us to have pieces of jewelry that represent us for who we are. I often make custom pieces using specific color patterns from certain beads. All the beads I use are Natural Semi-Precious stones, along with Seeds and various nature made products."
I wanted to share with U all the passion in becoming an entrepreneur and dreaming a bigger dream. She decided to go ahead and follow her heart. She made this dream a reality. Not just for her but for all of us who are being told "it's not possible"
Yes... it's possible to take your passion into your own hands and make it real!
Not only is Stefanny(Juice) being blessed by creating this line but she is paying it forward by creating pieces that speak to us.
In her own words once again: "Fell free to contact me if there is a piece you would like to see in person, considering that's the best way to truly appreciate my hard work ;)"
FB page is: Juice Rox
Thank U all for giving me time to share my friends life with U!
Inner Voice is the description of all the things I have within. During the time of having this Open Public Blog I will share with U all my thoughts, visions and feelings. It Might be tough to read, at times maybe a tear dropper but it will be worth sharing with u all. My goal is to keep my blogs positive and open to u all. Out of something dark, a beam of light is right behind it. So I'm gonna constantly look for the light in all. Thank u for ur pleasant visit.
Thank U for stopping by and welcome into my inner voice. I hope I inspire u to Pay It Forward. HOPE FLOATS!