
Thank U for stopping by and welcome into my inner voice. I hope I inspire u to Pay It Forward. HOPE FLOATS!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Why are signs ignored cause WE "love" someone.... 
Why do we ignore the GOOD ones for the BAD ones? 
Why do we block the truth out to accept lies? 
Why do we hold on when we know we should let go? 
Why do we make excuses? 
Why do we procrastinate and expect results? 
And why do we complain when we can get out? 
Why do we feel we can't get better? 
Why do we doubt ourselves? 
Why is it so easy to hate instead of love?
Why is it so hard to forgive? 
Why is it easier to believe a lie than the truth? 
Or is it that we want to believe the hatred and gossip? 

I share this with U all because


  1. Why do women wreck families by sleeping (and having babies) with unavailable men? Why do individuals claim holiness yet sin everyday? Why do people cling to the words of liars, even when they know that was how they themselves became 'stuck'? Why do subhumans point fingers at situations they have no knowledge of? Why may not be the biggest question. With the need for moral and ethical decisions, the better question should be HOW??? HOW??

    1. Bécause We are Human. The same reason you Have made mistakes u dont want to be held to for the rest of your life. The same reason your pointing a figure right now. The same reason why US Sinners go to church because we need to get better. Because your not perfect. No one is. The same reason you were up at 340 am, hurt or thinking about Life. The same reason you are still trying to get your life together. Maybe if you were to focus on the positive And whats going on in your life thats great, you may be happier. Holding on to things you cant change makes YOU bitter And mad at everyone that seems to be happier than YOU. And while they Have moved on to more, different and better your still mád. God bless u on your journey to happiness.
